Data Table Column (DT.COL)

=spac.DT.COL( tableName, columnName, query, limit, offset )

Retrieves a column from a dynamic table of results from a defined preset or custom preset.



The name of the preset to request. Valid table names can be found in the "help" section.


The name of the column to retrieve. See "help" for a list of columns.


A string representing the query of the request. See Query Syntax for an explanation of how to use queries. Defaults to BLANK if not specified.


The maximum number of rows to return. Defaults to 10 if not specified. The limit must be a positive integer.


The number of rows to skip before beginning to return rows. Defaults to 0 if not specified. The offset must be a non-negative integer.


What are the maximum yield to maturity values of all SPACs?

=spac.DT.COL("implied-ytm", "ytm_worst_date", "", 2000, 0)

What are the industries of the 100 most recently filed SPACs?

=spac.DT.COL("universe", "industry", "", 100)

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